About Pediment
Documenting my journey in conservation and heritage.
Hi, I’m Ashley, a Conservation Architect with a deep appreciation for historic buildings and the crafts that sustain them. I am embarking on an incredible journey as a SPAB Scholar, exploring traditional materials, hands-on conservation techniques, and the stories embedded in our built heritage.
Pediment is my space to document what I learn, reflect on my experiences, and share my evolving approach to conservation and architecture.
Whether you’re a fellow professional, a heritage enthusiast, or someone looking for thoughtful conservation expertise, I’d love to connect and exchange ideas.
As a Conservation Architect, I seek to respect heritage through thoughtful interventions and high-quality design, blending tradition with innovation to create lasting, sustainable buildings.
Ashley Turner
My Experience

Building Research
Building a deeper understanding of the buildings around us

Choco Latte
Egestas et condimentum nunc morbi magna

Avocado Squash
Iaculis ac augue vivamus dui condimentum

Traditional Skills
Understanding the craft skills required to successfully undertake works to heritage buildings

French Fries
In faucibus pellentesque nisl

Choco Cookies
Mollis a in eget sem feugiat